Christmas is only a week away, and if you are
behind on getting those Christmas cards sent out, do not worry! Getting
Christmas cards sent out can be a stressful and overwhelming task, even
stressful to a point where a lot of people have stopped sending them out. But
do not think like this, as grandma and those random aunts you never talk to
anymore still want to see your face! In this article we walk through some quick
and easy tips for how to make sending out Christmas cards an easy and painless
Tip 1: Take your picture in July.
This is the best time to take a picture, as by
now hopefully you have gotten some time outside and are starting to get that
sun-tanned look that makes pictures look extra great. If you take the photo six
months out as well, then you have plenty of time to take it and edit it and get
it submitted well before December. It is also easier to organized the family and
get the kids all bought in when you take the photo on a random summer night in
July instead of a cold, stressful day before Christmas.
Tip 2: Write a small jingle.

People love turning that beautiful family
photo over and getting to read a witty and funny jingle on the back of the
card. Some ideas for how to write could be finding words that rhyme with your
last name, or writing the words in a stanza that could be sung to a popular
Christmas song. Have fun with this and let your creativity really shine through!
We recommend keeping this jingle to about four to five lines and making it
about five to ten seconds to read. This is the perfect addition to brighten
peoples’ days and to remind them of how witty you are!
Tip 3: Prepare to send out

Dedicating some time to gathering the
packaging supplies you want to use is really important. Ask yourself questions
like, “what type of envelope do I want to use?” , “What type of stamps do I
need to buy?” and, “Do I have everyone’s address?” are all going to be critical
for you to think through ahead of time and prepare for. Visit a craft store
like Michaels in early December to hunt and gather everything you need. Usually
craft stores have great Christmas sales going on and this is a great way to
take care of something basic like your packaging supplies. Put everything
together and you are ready to go by the middle of December, stress-free!
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