Whether you’re having some holiday cheer with
the coworkers, meeting up for dinner at someone’s place or out on the town, or
even doing something small during your lunch break on a cold day in December,
kicking back and enjoying the festivities with those you see 40 hours a week
can be refreshing from the constant pace of the grind. I’m not sure about your
office, but mine is definitely excited
about this year’s gift exchange and office party.
If you do happen to be doing a gift exchange
at your office, consider replenishing your coworkers’ office and packagingsupplies. These make wonderful gifts to coworkers in your office without you
having to think of something truly special and tailored to them.
A classic go-to in the office, having a new
computer mouse is something welcome. I always suggest going for the wired mice
because it eliminates any chance of lag on screen. However, some people might
like the freedom a wireless mouse offers, so either would work well enough. You
can even get a cheap mouse pad to throw in with it in case your coworkers don’t
have their own at the ready.

You’ve seen these things before. The plastic
(or sometimes wooden) pen holders that also function as an organizer for things
like sticky notes, white out, extra staples, paper clips, and whatever other
random assortment of things you may use in the office. These things can look
quite nice, too, even for cheap. A lot of my coworkers’ desks are quite barren,
so I know this would look great on their desk as a little space filler.

While the other items on this list aren’t as
spendy, you can never go wrong gifting a nice fountain pen, especially if it’s
to your boss. Whether you drew their name out of the hat or are just feeling
generous, fountain pens are a sign of class and remain as a timeless staple to
a refined business person’s desk.
Consider this the step up from the tape
dispenser. Heavier duty, classier, and just as (or possibly more) useful, the
stapler is a desk essential. You don’t even have to ask around to see who has
one and who doesn’t; if one of your coworkers’ desks are bare of a stapler,
they couldn’t deny that this was a need for their office if you were to get
this for them.

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